There have been few topics I’ve seen in my lifetime that have stirred up more emotional debate than the recent COVID-19 pandemic. I have heard so many stories about friends and family members separating themselves from each other because they had conflicting beliefs. How can you be so sure that you’re right and they’re wrong? Luckily for me, I have no friends to lose. I think it is going to be very interesting when we look back in five years and probably see that we were all wrong on one aspect or another.
I am going to avoid what my beliefs are on vaccination, social isolation, vaccine passports, masks, hand sanitization, the trucker convoy, school closures and shutting down businesses. My views are brilliant and 100% accurate, of course, but they may upset other people.
I want to focus, instead, on what we should be doing about this situation moving forward …
There has been a lot of discussion about the risk factors for the COVID. Age is usually mentioned first (that sucks from my standpoint, but I can’t do anything about it). People who are immunocompromised are also at risk. Again, there isn’t a lot that can be done to change that. What was the last one again? Oh, yeah … Obesity!
Why has THIS risk factor been discussed so little? It is the one that we have the most control over. I do not recall one politician telling his constituents that they should get outside and walk every day or that they should stop eating so much junk food. Too controversial? We are overweight as a nation, and the situation is far worse than it was two years ago. I am trying hard not to enrage anyone with my beliefs, but was closing gyms and keeping LCBOs open a great strategy? I’m just asking …
We need to be more physically active. A lot more. We need our kids to exercise more. The fact is, kids love getting involved in physically active games and activities. We should be heading out in droves to get back to (or start) being physically active. Hit the gym. Hit the dojo.
Here at Steel Dragon Karate, we believe that we offer one of the best options out there. Now, I am speaking purely from my personal beliefs, but training in martial arts has been scientifically proven to be good not only for physical wellness but for focus and mental acuity (and improving your immune system). We have members that range in age from four years old to people in their 60s. And we are SO certain of our system that we are offering a FREE MONTH OF TRAINING to new members. Come on in and get addicted to something that is good for you!
Submitted by Steel Dragon Karate