
Dancing through the ages

Submitted by Dance Extreme and photo by Roy Timm Many people think dance is only for children and youth. But, in fact, dance can truly benefit adults in all facets.  Many adults choose to enroll in dance classes for a purely social benefit: to meet others while doing something active.  This social activity also has […]

Submitted by Dance Extreme and photo by Roy Timm

Many people think dance is only for children and youth. But, in fact, dance can truly benefit adults in all facets.  Many adults choose to enroll in dance classes for a purely social benefit: to meet others while doing something active.  This social activity also has been shown to improve balance and reduce the risk of falls in older healthy adults, as well as contribute to healthy bone development and muscular strength.

Since dance can take many forms, be performed in a variety of settings, and does not necessarily require much expense or equipment, it can appeal to a wide range of individuals of all ages. Dancing may be less threatening to many older adults than other exercise modes, given that many older individuals will have had positive experiences of dance when they were younger.

At Dance Extreme, we find that adults enroll in classes for many reasons – perhaps as a way to stay physically fit, or because they used to dance and want to get back into it. Many get involved as a way to increase the connectedness they have with their children, who spend many hours at the studio.

While we have many parents who help out behind the scenes, many enjoy the annual opportunity to participate in our Mom and Dad’s dance in our recital. We have had dads participate in our bi-annual production number, which provided them with a wonderful opportunity to work with their daughters and sons while they danced. This is not only a fun and social opportunity for the adults, but it’s a great way for these adults to bond with their children during recital time. Sharing the same stage with their children is often a very special moment.
