We are pumped and proud to announce the amalgamation of Byron Soccer and NorWest Soccer, a move that transpired during the offseason. And we’d like to share the following official statement, straight from David Brule, the club’s president …
“Byron Soccer and NorWest Soccer have been developing a relationship over the past several seasons to more effectively and efficiently offer the highest-quality soccer programs possible for all ages at the Recreational, District Competitive and Regional Competitive levels.
To that end, in the summer of 2018, the two organizations will be coming together as Byron-NorWest Soccer. It is borne out of necessity as much as being able to leverage each other’s strengths to deliver high-quality programming for all of our kids at the best price possible. It is quite an undertaking running clubs of our sizes, and the resources that it takes – financially and otherwise – is very significant. Additionally, Canada Soccer and Ontario Soccer will be instituting more requirements for clubs that will require even more resources. To ensure that we can continue to offer a program at a level that players, coaches and parents have come to expect of both Byron and NorWest Soccer, and meet these new requirements, we feel this is the best direction to take to ensure continued success.” – David Brule, Club President
Byron-NorWest Soccer – “A player-centred approach to the game we love!”
Submitted by Byron-NorWest Soccer