Every Friday night in the winter for the past five years, the London Minor Football Association (LMFA) has hosted football skills camps at Centrefield Sports. What started as a small camp has grown every year, and now more than 100 players attend each night.
These camps are affordable (only $5 per player per night), and are open to all girls and boys ages 7 to 13. Through the skills camps, players can stay active and learn some fundamental football skills from LMFA coaches. As well, LMFA graduates now in high school are on hand to give back to the community.
At one night per week, these camps also fit into the multi-sport model for athletes. Players playing winter sports still have plenty of time to enjoy those sports while keeping their football skills up to date. LMFA encourages all of our young athletes to participate in as many sports as their time – and budget – can allow.
Since 1956, LMFA has been part of the sports community in London and area, providing low cost house league football to prepare players for high school football and to make football fans for life.
For more information on the 2017 fall season, as well as offseason camps and clinics, please visit www.lmfafootball.ca or call 519-852-4465.
Submitted by London Minor Football Association