The London Senior Games (LSG) is an organization run by a team of volunteers that provides friendly, mental and/or physical competition to anyone 55 years of age or older who resides in the City of London or surrounding area. The events are offered as fun-filled social activities that can be enjoyed by all.
LSG is a member of the Ontario Senior Games Association (OSGA). The province of Ontario is divided into 41 Member Districts, and London is District 30.
The London District holds two sets of games throughout the year. The winners of each sanctioned event are awarded the opportunity to represent the city at the Ontario 55+ Summer and Ontario 55+ Winter Games.
Some of the events we would like to include in this year’s Winter Games are: Pepper, Crokinole, 10 Pin Bowling, Badminton, Duplicate Bridge, Volleyball, Curling, 9 Ball Pool, Hockey, Wii Bowling, Table Tennis, and Euchre.
The winners will be invited to compete at the 55+ Winter Games to be held in the County of Haliburton, February 17-19, 2015.
For more information, check out our website at or phone 519-225-2381.
— Story and photo submitted by Doug Anderson, District Coordinator, London Senior Games