The 2016 Girls’ House League fastball season fast approaching. You can get involved and be part of the season. REGISTER NOW! (for information e-mail:
The Community Softball League (or as it is known, locally, CSL) is intended for female players with an interest in a house league recreational experience as an enjoyable learning and development experience for all of its participants, at every division (from U10 to U21) and skill level.
Teams are determined according to registrations within each of the nine local member associations from an area that stretches (approximately) from Ilderton to Dorchester to Glanworth to Delaware. Member Associations include: Nelson Park, Oakridge, South London, North London, Southwest London, Byron, Dorchester, Delaware, and Ilderton.
A full season schedule (mid-May to mid-August), including mid-season tournament, and playoffs provides the opportunity to learn, develop and compete as a team player in a challenging fastball environment. Everyone involved works to make our house league as enjoyable as possible to have our players return year after year.
More than 150 volunteers are looking forward to another GREAT season in 2016 full of FUN and SUCCESSES.
Story submitted by the Community Softball League