Health & Fitness

All about community

At the YMCA, people from all walks of life enjoy community and a sense of belonging while participating in activities that benefit them physically and mentally!

We feel it is important to have a Y in our community for so many reasons, and we’re really happy to tell you why! What does the Y mean for a community? A community like London?

Let me first tell you about Eric. In 2007, Eric was 120 pounds overweight, battling diabetes, anxiety and depression. After joining the Y, he lost 145 pounds and no longer needs medication. Today, Eric is a YMCA personal trainer and fitness instructor. For him, the Y means accomplishment.

I’d also like to tell you about Valerie. Twenty-five years ago, Valerie joined the Y and has done pretty much every different class we offer. She says the Y keeps her young – even at 90, I should add. For her, the Y means vitality.

You can ask any of our members here, including parents with kids in childcare, and families that participate in programs, and you will hear them say that the Y means community. It means welcoming, it means belonging, it means opportunity. We are so happy to be in London. If you have never been in our Y, please come in, we’d love you to be a part of our Y community.


Submitted by YMCA