Parent coaches, non-parent volunteers, division convenors, teens, board members, equipment managers, sponsorship and treasury volunteers, without you all as a T.E.A.M, there would be no Nor’West Soccer! As a volunteer run, not-for-profit, community driven program, we know that we have a reach far beyond the soccer pitch. We also know that we could not offer so many children and teens such great alternatives to the many less savory options youth are offered daily.
Because those kids need to stay active all year, because grassroots soccer is as wholesome as you can get, and because your kids asked us for it, we are gearing up for another amazing Indoor “Off” season with our Kickin’ Kids program!
Nor’West “Off Season”
This will be our best yet! This “Off Season,” we are planning to offer you:
– 3v3 & 4v4 leagues for Development and Competitive players!
– Team Training under supervision of OSA certified & CSA licenced coaches!
– Small group training for each stage of Long Term Player Development!
– Goal Keeper sessions with OSA certified coaches!
– Women’s “Off Season” ball mastery clinics!
– PD Day Camps!
– School Vacation Tournaments!
Soccer Rocks! Details online at – Registration online Sept – Oct!