
Happy New (Soccer) Year!

Active Start Coaches Ainsley Garrett and Susan Ratz with their 2013 squad!

Submitted by Nor’West London SC Coming through the longest winter known to Londoners in just about forever, our little board of volunteers has been hard at work tightening the nuts and bolts of our program! We can’t wait for things to dry up a little and get the kids on the fields again! In 2014, […]

Submitted by Nor’West London SC

Coming through the longest winter known to Londoners in just about forever, our little board of volunteers has been hard at work tightening the nuts and bolts of our program! We can’t wait for things to dry up a little and get the kids on the fields again!

In 2014, we are committed to continuing our plans for Coach Education as a developing staple in our program. We recognize that it is only the very tip of the iceberg of Soccer Ed. that’s needed in London, but it’s the wisest investment for our players. We’re sure that the introduction of Nor’West Swag Bucks for coaches will be our most REWARDing step!

Without losing focus on the player-centred approach to the game we love, Nor’West Soccer has a continued commitment to Long Term Player Development (LTPD) in 2014. It will bring some fine-tuning to our Active Start (2010-2008) and Learn to Train (2005-2002) programs. Our goal for them is to more consistently meet the needs of our participants with improved coach education, more consistent field sizes, and a return to player lists (in Active Start).

In keeping with our interest in the full spectrum of the seven stages of LTPD, we are excited to announce a new release in our Soccer for Life (U14+) campaign! We have opened registration for an Under-21 league for co-ed players born 1993-1996! Our U21 Co-ed division is a self-contained, recreational league that will have 90-minute games, with referees and linesmen, once a week, at the premium North London Athletic Fields! It also includes a full Admiral Brand kit (jersey, shorts and socks) for $150. For more details or questions, please contact our volunteers at under21@norwestsoccer.com.

April 6 will bring the return of our favoured Cleat Swap at Sherwood Forest Mall. Donations of reusable cleats will be traded for an Early Admission coupon allowing holders first dibs on the 2014 stock!

We are introducing a new twist one week this summer! Watch for The Silent Sideline, coming to a field near you! Details are online and on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/norwestsoccer).

We are ALWAYS looking for volunteers and sponsors. If you can help in any way, please contact volunteers@norwestsoccer.com or sponsorship@norwestsoccer.com.
