
Some players dare to dream

Some dreams become reality, as Jessie Fleming has proven by earning a spot to compete for her country

Submitted by Nor’west Some kids play sports because their teachers or parents make them, some play because they love sport, and some are even what we consider young athletes. But while many may dream of playing for Team Canada (at various stages of their athletic development), the reality is that it’s rare for players to […]

Submitted by Nor’west

Some kids play sports because their teachers or parents make them, some play because they love sport, and some are even what we consider young athletes. But while many may dream of playing for Team Canada (at various stages of their athletic development), the reality is that it’s rare for players to make it onto a Canadian National Team of any sort. Really rare.

If you haven’t caught any of the buzz on Nor’West London SC’s lifer, Jessie Fleming, let us introduce you to her, as this fall she actually made the Team Canada Dream into her own reality!

Small but mighty, Jessie was a tenacious competitor throughout her time at Ryerson P.S., and she’s shown no signs of changing that in high school. Now in grade 10 at London Central Secondary School, she has set many TVDSB records and won gold at OFSAA three times, all while maintaining an Honour Roll average or better.

This October, a handful of Nor’West players and coaches gathered at a restaurant in her Jessie’s Old North neighbourhood to watch her captain the Canadian Women’s U17 squad at the CONCACAF Championships in Jamaica, and we were amazed by her presence at mid-field in each game. It seems we weren’t the only ones, though, because Jessie was presented with another unbelievable opportunity. In November, she was invited to train with the Senior Canadian Women’s National Team and was then added to their roster for the December Four Nations Cup to play against teams that the Can WNT is bound to see in the 2015 Women’s World Cup.

For Jessie, playing for new Canadian hero and national coach John Herdman and playing alongside veteran greats like Christine Sinclair, Diana Matheson, and Erin McLeod is not just a dream … it’s a true dream come true!

Words cannot express how proud we are for Jessie and her parent coach, John Fleming, as she represents Canada (and London and Nor’West Soccer). We wish her good luck as her journey continues!
